Museum Hindeloopen
The story of a unique city and diverse and rich past
Dijkweg 1-3 - 8713 KD - Hindeloopen
Get impressed by Hindeloopen
World-famous painting and rich history of the Zuiderzee town.

Museum Hindeloopen tells the story of the unique Zuiderzee town of Hindeloopen. A small town (one of the eleven cities) with an equally unique and fascinating history.

A history that has helped Hylpen, as its inhabitants call it, gain great cultural and historical wealth. Museum Hindeloopen knows this story and, using everything there is to see in this beautiful little town, tells it in an innovative way.

Get to know the costumes, the beautifully decorated cotton fabrics, sashes, printed with colourful flowers and other exotic motifs, from faraway countries, brought by the United East India Company. Understand why widows wore different clothes from newlyweds.

Learn about the history of the language, Hylpers, which is distinct from the other Frisian language variations and dialects. Indeed, Hindeloopers used to have little contact with other Frisians. They had, through trade, more contact with foreign trading partners. As a result, there are words in Hindeloopers that have English or Scandinavian origins.

Get impressed by the world-famous Hindelooper painting that was, and is, applied in bedsteads, furniture, coat hangers, trunks, egg cups and other utensils, often even on walls. Swaying, cheerful-looking patterns and themes: flowers, leaves and birds in reddish-brown, blue, white or green as the background and ochre tones, white, blue and red for the decorations.

Get to know the flute ships on which the Hindeloopers sailed to the trading towns on the Baltic Sea. Learn about the history of the Likhúsjes where the wives of the captains, with their children, lived during the time their husbands were at sea. This way, they did not have to heat and clean the large, richly decorated house.

Museum Hindeloopen is undergoing a metamorphosis. The building will be rigorously renovated, with a new entrance and the museum will have a totally new exhibition concept.

Museum Hindeloopen: because the history of this city fascinates

  • The story of a unique city
  • Versatile and rich past
  • Internationally anchored culture
  • Hindeloopen painting and language
  • Costumes with chintz and East Indian fur

Flute ship

Most churches in the Netherlands have a cockerel on them. Not so in Hindeloopen. There, on the tower of the Grote Kerk, right next to the museum, is a flute ship; a 17th-century cargo ship. At the time, the 80 Hindeloopen flute ships sailed to Scandinavia, the Baltic countries and Russia and brought much prosperity to the city. This is still evident today from Hindeloopen's capital 17th- and 18th-century captain's houses.

Interested or
more information?

Visit the website of mueseum Hindeloopen for more in-depth information about the attractions and collections, specific opportunities for you as a visitor and practical information. Think opening hours and contact details. We look forward to welcoming you.