Museum De Tiid
Several museums under one roof, regionally anchored. Connection between history and present.
Jongemastraat 4 - 8701 JD - Bolsward
Museum in the former town hall of Bolsward
Beautifully restored, according to many the most beautiful building in Fryslân.
In September 2021, King Willem Alexander opened Museum De Tiid; part of Cultural Historical Centre De Tiid. Built between 1614 and 1617, the versatile and stately building literally breathes the history of Fryske language and culture, especially that of Bolsward and its surroundings. Historical stories are combined, from multiple angles and perspectives, with the present in a fascinating way. The story of the Mienskip, the sense of community that characterises Fryslân and the Frisians, is central to this. A welcome contrast in these times of polarisation.

But there is more to see. The Bolswar House of Stories tells the equally inspiring and extraordinary life story of priest-journalist Titus Brandsma, canonised in 2022 by Pope Francis. Known as a priest, but also as a fierce opponent of Nazism. Opposition which he eventually paid for with death - he died in Dachau concentration camp.

And of the seventeenth-century Frisian Renaissance poet Gysbert Japicx (1603-1666), born and died in Bolsward. Gysbert Japicx is considered the founder of Frisian as a written language. Incidentally, he is the son of the architect of the building that houses Museum De Tiid.

Museum De Tiid is also about Grutte Pier, the legendary Frisian freedom fighter. Was he a hero or a bandit? Equally fascinating is the life story of the enterprising Trijntje Hilarides. In 1892, at the age of 24, this sturdy Frisian became the first female director of a dairy factory in Zurich. An unusual appointment at a time when the village dignitaries were mostly men.

There is more to see and experience at Museum De Tiid. From temporary art & culture exhibitions to the richly decorated halls and authentic period rooms. From presentations and workshops to climbing the impressively restored tower loft and from the beautiful Council Chamber to the cosy catering department.

Museum De Tiid in Bolsward: a place to reflect, discover and experience.

  • House of stories
  • Connects past and present
  • Regionally anchored
  • Several museums under one roof
  • Interactive and formative

Grutte Pier

This towering farmer from Kimswerd became a legend. He fought for an independent Friesland in the early 16th century. According to tradition, to determine whether a prisoner was Frisian or not, he tested them by having them recite the rhyme: 'Bûter, brea and griene tsiis, wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries'. Translation: Butter, bread and green cheese, who can't say that is not a true Frisian. Try it!

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Visit the TIID website for more information about the sights and collections, specific options for you as a visitor and practical information. Consider opening hours, ticket prices and contact details. We are happy to welcome you.